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Circular Economy Solutions Preventing Marine Litter in Ecosystems

Commissioned By

 German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)

Implementation Agencies/Partners
Duration Of Project

 August 2020 - December 2023

Project States

 Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh

Responsible Person



Circular economy approaches for reducing, reusing, and recycling plastics to prevent marine litter are implemented in selected ecosystems in partnership with public and private actors.


To track and monitor marine litter in selected river and marine ecosystems through demonstration of technological solutions to reduce, reuse and recycle plastics and support the implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in India.

Approach including the target group

  • Digital tracking, monitoring and reporting of plastic leakages and marine litter in selected sites.
  • Demonstration of pilots of technological solutions to reduce, reuse and/or recycle plastics together with producers and recyclers in three states.
  • Support the implementation of EPR framework in three states; capacity building on EPR, B2B cooperation, circular business models and sustainable packaging.

Highlight Activities

The project supported the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) with the development of the centralised EPR Portal for plastic packaging. The portal was launched by the Hon'ble Environment Minister on 5 April 2022.

The project initiated the development of the 'Monitoring of Implementation of Action Plan on Single-Use Plastic (SUP)' portal for MoEFCC to support states in implementing the nationwide ban on SUPs.

Release of Publication 'Pathways for Preventing Riverine Marine litter through Circular Economy Framework for the state of Uttar Pradesh’ during RACE (Reduction, Awareness, Circular (Solutions), (©GIZIndia/NAME)

Launch of the Meendum Manjappai Campaign - a people's campaign against single-use plastics, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, December 2021 (©GoTN) (©GIZIndia/NAME)