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Climate Adaptation and Finance in Rural India (CAFRI- MoEFCC)

Commissioned By

 German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Implementation Agencies/Partners
    • Department of Environment, Science and Technology, Government of Himachal Pradesh
    • Directorate of Environment, Government of Uttar Pradesh
Duration Of Project

January, 2020 - June, 2023

Project States

 Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh

Responsible Person


The implementation of the Indian Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) on climate adaptation is improved with regards to need and evidence-based planning of adaptation initiatives and climate-sensitive design of financial instruments.


Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are at the heart of the Paris Agreement and the achievement of long-term climate goals. NDCs embody efforts by each country to reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. India’s NDCs emphasise the need to “better adapt to climate change by enhancing investments in development programmes in sectors vulnerable to climate change, in particular agriculture, water resources, the Himalayan region, coastal regions, health and disaster management”. The National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) and the State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) provide guidance on the long-term strategy to address climate change at national and state levels under the country’s NDC commitments. However, with limited funding support, implementation of the SAPCC and NAPCC has been a challenge. It is, therefore, crucial to reorient development schemes within the climate adaptation and risk framework. The existing financial adaptation concepts lack planning and technical capacities for effective implementation of climate adaptation in priority sectors of NDCs in rural areas of India.

Approach including the target group

  • Demand driven, gender-responsive participatory adaptation planning and implementation at local level.
  • Developing appropriate participation formats and procedures with national and state authorities to ensure incorporation of local needs when planning for adaptation projects.
  • Impact assessment and monitoring of adaptation-relevant measures at state level.
  • Aims to improve planning and impact monitoring of adaptation-relevant measures at state level.
  • Identifying innovative funding sources for adaptation.
  • Focussing on increased use of existing development programmes and innovative new sources of finance to fund gender-sensitive measures, relevant to climate adaptation.
  • Collaboration, improved coordination, and cooperation between various actors of national and subnational level on SAPCC.
  • Through policy dialogue, knowledge networks and exposure visits at state level.

Highlight Activities

Key Ongoing Activities

  • Capacity development package targeted at local governance organisations and women farmers on gender sensitive participatory adaptation planning institutionalised with state level training institutes.
  • Revision of comprehensive sub-national action plan—State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC).
  • Green Recovery Action Plan on Climate Resilient Livelihood for Migrants.
  • Setting up of State level knowledge networks on CCA.
  • Development & institutionalisation of climate adaptation impact monitoring frameworks at national and state level.

Expected Achievements

  • Improve planning and impact monitoring of adaptation relevant measures.
  • Improve use of existing financial resources and new innovative sources of funding for gender-responsive adaptation related measures.
  • Enhance coordination and cooperation between various actors on SAPCC implementation.

Farmer in Himachal Pradesh plucking capsicum in a climate resilient polyhouse (©GIZIndia/CAFRI)

Farmer in a climate resilient field in rural India (©GIZIndia/CAFRI)

Female farmer taking a break in a climate resilient field in rural India (©GIZIndia/CAFRI)